It snuck up on me, really. Tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Here I am. Let's go for a ride." It was a compelling enough invitation that I couldn't refuse. The mojo followed me down country roads. It challenged me to go a little faster. It pulled me into the wind and made me feel strong and capable again.
Two days later, it said, "Let's do something harder." And I said yes again. Off I rode. The mojo luring me ever upwards. Staying just enough ahead to encourage and not so far as to discourage. And then I was surprised by the summit. "We're here already?" I wondered aloud.
In both cases, the rides weren't my best, nor were they my worst. But I was once again having FUN on the bike and relishing challenges. And the fun factor made me say yes again to my first 200k in 6 months. Yes to committing and not flaking, yes to finishing instead of bailing, yes to Rule #5 when I hit a low around mile 85. Yes to taking my turn at the front of the pace line. Yes to the last 3 miles when my quads had nothing to give and my lower back was seizing and my ride buddies were 50 yards ahead of me and there wasn't a thing I could do to catch them.
Who wants to ride?