It's just too bad you can't see how blindingly fast I'm going while climbing La Honda out of Woodside, up towards Skyline. It's also a crying shame you can't feel my legs cramping, wondering when we'll be at "the top". Because, after all, we're climbing to Skyline Boulevard. A scenic road that follows the ridge line from Highway 92 South to god-knows-where, but farther than I've traveled on it.
Ergo, Skyline is the top. I've already climbed 3 miles in this photo and I'm ready for My Downhill, Mr. Deville.
At least there were porta-potties (Andy Gumps, as they're called in some parts of the world) as an excuse to stop.
I said to my riding companion as we remounted our trusty steeds after our mini-break: I'm pretty sure Skyline is just a bunch of rollers. 3 minutes later, I confessed to lying, saying I had wanted it to be true as much as she did.
Because we actually had about another 4 miles of climbing before PAGE MILL ROAD - those magical three words that meant: descent. coast. hover over the breaks. worry about going too fast vs going too slow.
Did I mention the fog and wind on Skyline? The road that promises views of the Bay and East Bay hills in one direction and glittering views of the Pacific in the other direction? The fog enshrouded the top of the immediate climb ahead of us. Which was probably a good thing. Because the top was always a lie. turn the corner and oh. more hill.
As Coach Jim reminds us, the Death Ride is "only" 65 miles of climbing. The other 65 miles is downhills.
At last, we reach Page Mill Road. I shift into my highest gear and settle in for the des---
We haven't gone a half mile and there's this *thing* ahead of us. The road appears to RISE. I. am. in. the. wrong. gear.
my legs rebel. they say, "We are coasting now, dear. We are not pedaling." I overrule them, making all sorts of promises of rewards in the After Ride. They are unimpressed.
Mentally, I adjust. Look! We're below the fog! Look at the view! See how high up we are? See how far we've come? We do get to go down, even if there are little interruptions along the way. We can do this!
Only 30 more miles!
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