Dear BMW Driver,
You are driving the Ultimate Driving
Machine. We get that. We expect you to put that superb steering and
rapid acceleration to use at every opportunity. Even if it makes you
look like an asshole. We drivers of lesser vehicles expect you to be
an asshole. As a BMW driver, you are a known quantity. If you can
jump lanes to fill that gap and move forward 1.5 car lengths, you
will do so. You are predictable. Other drivers on the road can
anticipate your next asshole-move and respond accordingly. You know.
You treat other BMW drivers with the same accord. It's professional
So, dear BMW driver that I encountered
today, your hesitancy and uncertainty really mucked things up. It
wasn't that you were unsure of where you were going; you committed to
your lane early (first clue) instead of cutting in at the last
minute. Then, on the freeway on-ramp, you clotted things up by not
taking charge and passing everyone else while using the shoulder so
you could get to the freeway first. Your lack of initiative confused
the pack and, frankly, created a driving hazard. Suddenly, there were
two cars neck and neck. Had you simply accelerated, as your Ultimate
Driving Machine is designed to do, with the gas pedal on the right
and all, the confusion would have ended and the rest of us wouldn't
have been sitting silently in our cars in stunned disbelief.
If you're going to drive your BMW that
way, trade it in for a Ford Marshmallow and end the madness.
Still Missing my BMW
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