Monday, December 17, 2012


1. You wake up late.

2. It's raining.

3. There's an eyedropper's worth of half and half for your coffee.

4. Your dog will not poop on command. In the rain.

5. You can only find two cycling gloves. One long-fingered. One short-fingered. Both are for the right hand.

6. Descending the steep wall that leaves the neighborhood, your red blinkie light pops off your pannier and bounces along behind you, blinking all the way. (recipe: take a $20 bill. ignite one match. apply flame to lower left corner of $20).

7. 2/3's of the way into your 400 foot descent down Market Street, spattered with road dirt and rain, you realize you forgot to pack underwear.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

well, that explains your reaction to the picture