Wednesday, February 22, 2012

false spring

Every year about this time, we get a little warm spell. The sun shows its first warmth towards us, as if the cherry trees had brought forth their blossoms in an atonement for some long forgotten offense and the sun favored us all with warm forgiveness.

It was a call in sick kinda day. A let's go to the garden store any buy seeds and bedding plants day. All the little plants get put in the ground. Peas and beans get planted and poles and strings assembled.

About 3 days later, it's 40 degrees and raining and the little pea sprouts are frozen in their tracks. Germinating seeds get stunted and nothing will grow beyond 4 inches.

Duped again.


bccraig said...

not a very quick learner, are you?

B.B.B. said...

I prefer to think of it as optimism but it's more accurately described as stupidity.

Johanna said...

Still haven't learning growing in N. California? It's a tricky business

B.B.B. said...

that must be why certain crops are so darned expensive here.