Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sponge Returns and brings temptation.

The return of Sponge was almost enough to get me to sign in to facebook this morning.

Your faithful correspondent has a dog, two cats and sponge that doesn't like to stay put. Sponge tends to move under cover of night, when the dog is crated and the cats feel free to roam and play.

Instead of the usual contact lens case (or any other small item I happen to leave out) being batted into the bathroom sink, larger objects get relocated. Wine corks, chap stick and ... Sponge. My challenge is to find these before the dog eats them when she is released in the morning.

A random series of photos of Sponge in new locations became a fun game on facebook, with friends who had been there since the beginning appreciating the Sponge updates (I hope), and the new additions thinking I'm totally insane. The pictures were posted with no back story.

March 1st seems a long time away right now.


Alison said...

Sponge! I love the never-ending story of Sponge's adventures in survival amongst the evil, furry ones!

Ruthie said...

Yay, Sponge!

Lois said...

I have wondered how Sponge was doing!

Lois said...

We have have a car-shaped stress ball that migrates similarly. No one ever sees it being moved. I think it must be Sponge's cousin.

bccraig said...

perhaps sponge could have his/her own page. Then it wouldn't be like you were on FB. This is of course my favorite kind of FB post.

Johanna said...

Yeah, sponge should have a page.

Johanna said...

Yeah, sponge should totally have it's own FB page. It's sponge-worthy.

B.B.B. said...

Yes, that's it. I need a third facebook account. Sponge, my dog and me. Maybe the cats have something to say, too.